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Some of my favorite mastiff breeder web sites:


Other Things of Interest
Dog Show Photos Photos I've taken at dog shows. Lots and lots of photos of all kinds of Mastiffs, not just our own.
The Mastiff Club of America Journal Index An index that includes the issue number and page number of every mastiff pictured in the MCOA Journals for the years that I have been able to get a hold of up to 1998.  If you know the name of a dog you want to find a picture of, this might be a good place to start.
Photos from the 1998 M.C.O.A National Specialty These are all photos I took at the 1998 MCOA National Specialty.  Most of the class winners are pictured.
The Mastiff Club of America This is the official web site for the only national Mastiff club.  This site has a lot of great information.  It is a great place for people new to Mastiffs to start.
The Mastiff Illustrated Standard Document created by the Mastiff Club of America to help anyone visualize the written word of the AKC Mastiff Standard by providing detailed illustrations (Lora Myroup, artist) of the ideal, along with faults and a great number of examples of common deviations. Donna Bahlman was chair of the committe which produced this document and Jessica Bahlman was the graphic designer on the committee who designed the layout of the document. The entire committee is named on page 2 of the document.
Infodog This is the Tom Crowe dog show superintendent web site.  This site allows you to enter shows online, search for judges for upcoming shows, and check show results and a lot more.
Onofrio This is another show superintendent.  It's a great way to keep up with who is winning.
 The Whole Dog Journal Excellent publication for raising healthy, well-behaved dogs.
 The Blackwatch Puppy Feed Site Knuckling over in puppies and how to fix it with proper nutrition.
 Mastiff Stud Dog Register and Articles Excellent Mastiff site that includes links to many Mastiff sites on the web.
Big Dog Natural Dehydrated raw diets food that is completely balanced. This is what we feed our dogs and have been feeding for over a decade.
Crossroads West Veterinary Center Our vet.


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